I reported aboard the USS Bashaw March, 1969. I was a sonarman STS2SS. The boat
was in the process of being fitted for a 9 month west pac cruise. We left San Diego
July, 1969 and ran on the surface all the way to Pearl Harbor where we were to load
final stores and weapons. We were to only be in Pearl a couple of days. About a week
later we got the word that President Nixon had started his big military cutback, and since
the Bashaw was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, diesel boats left in the fleet, we were
ordered back state side to Mare Island to be decommissioned. Our Captain, Don Walsh,
who I believe was a maverick, on the way back to Mare Island ran the boat through every
kind of drill, deep dive, emergency blow, battle stations, & etc. to give the old lady one
more fling! She did the jig in fine fashion!!!